Placement Tips For Your New Contemporary Living Room Rug!


When you’re in the market to invest in a new contemporary living room rug, you’re going to need to think about a lot more than just designs and color schemes.

One of the biggest things that rug shoppers need to keep in mind is the placement of their rugs, and this is particularly important for living room rugs.

There are some general interior design rules that everyone needs to understand while they’re preparing their new rug purchase, and below are a few quick pointers when it comes to rug placement:

  • Be sure to thoroughly read your room before investing in a rug.
  • Invest in a rug shape that coincides with your living room’s shape
  • Try visualizing your living room’s final layout

The emergence of online rug shopping has made these above tips a little bit easier, and one of the best online rug outlets is Rug Source. We’ve partnered up with the Rug Source team to provide the below placement tips to help you make the most of your new contemporary living room rug’s décor!

All Furniture Legs On The Rug

If your living room has an adequate amount of space, then it’s possible to put all your furniture’s legs on top of the area rug’s surface. The trick with this placement concept is to make sure that you leave around a foot of space between the edges of your furniture and the edges of your rug. You’re also going to need to leave a minimum of about two feet between your new rug and your living room’s wall.

These placement tips are important because you’ll protect your furniture legs while also making sure that your living room doesn’t feel too “crammed”.

Front Furniture Legs Only On The Contemporary Rug

This is another layout approach that’s very popular in many living rooms today, and it’s preferred by a lot of homeowners for a variety of reasons. This design approach is a great idea for smaller living rooms, and it provides the opportunity to design your living room with a more budget-friendly area rug as well.

When you just place the front legs of your furniture pieces on your rug, you’ll subsequently make your living room appear to be a bit larger than it actually is. What you’ll want to do is place each piece of furniture on the rug at about one third of the piece’s width. This will develop a cohesive aesthetic that looks great and will make your room appear larger!

A Floating Layout (All Furniture Legs Off The Rug)

This placement concept is when you’ll put a central piece of furniture on top of your rug like a coffee table of ottoman, but then keep the actual seating off the area rug entirely. This is a unique type of décor approach that has to be done perfectly in order to look good, but it still offers a lot of potential!

The trick with this layout approach is to make sure you get the right rug size to coincide with your furniture’s dimensions, because this will lead to more aesthetically-pleasing proportions.

Rug Layering Techniques

Another good idea is to place a smaller area rug on top of a larger one, because this will lead to a great combination of décor design when done correctly. This approach is gaining popularity all throughout the United States because it offers a fantastic look when done right.

Reach Out To The Rug Source Experts To Learn More About Their Contemporary Living Room Rugs!

Finding a new contemporary living room rug is a lot easier said than done these days, which is why you should always put your trust in a team of reputable industry specialists to help you make these home décor investments.

You can learn more about placing and designing with your new area rugs by speaking with the experts at Rug Source!

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