How to Create a Hobby Room


A woman having fun in her hobby room

Have you heard of the term ‘man cave’? If you are from the USA, you probably have. A man cave is an area inside the home, where men used to create their own, personal space. But, husbands and fathers are not the only ones who need that personal space, every adult does. That is why women (and men) across the USA are changing the trends and creating hobby rooms instead. Hobby rooms can be any free areas inside the home – an extra bedroom, guest bedroom, attic, basement, garage, etc. It is supposed to be a place where one can relax, unwind, and do what he/she likes the most. However, there is some art to creating a perfect hobby room. And, we are here to show you the ropes. Thus, if you want to know how to create a hobby room that you will enjoy and love, keep on reading.

Think About The Necessities 

Before you do anything else, sit down and think about what things you need in order to work on your hobby. Do you need good lighting? Do you need plenty of outlets, or maybe a sink? Answering these types of questions will help you decide which area in your home is best for your hobby room. Moreover, if you do not have an area in your home that will suit all of your hobby’s needs, answering these types of questions will help you decide what you need to buy in order to create and set up your hobby room.

However, if you do not have the right space in your home for your desired hobby room, there is no need to start looking for a new place to live, no. Any empty corner can be turned into a hobby room. You can use your hallway, your bedroom, or even your pantry – you just have to be creative and resourceful! The important thing is to decide what amenities are truly necessary and then, finding a way to include them in your empty space.

Empty the Space 

Once you found the space which you can turn into your hobby room, you should empty it completely. If you are like the rest of us, you are probably working with not a lot of space, so make sure that what you have is completely clutter-free. Trust us, you will not be able to enjoy your hobby and your free time if you are sitting in a messy and chaotic space with no room to turn around. Thus, start removing everything unnecessary from your hobby room. If you have some extra space in your garage, attic, or basement, put the items there. If you do not, you can also try to find storage for items that create clutter. Nowadays, there are affordable and accessible storage facilities on every corner, so this is a good thing to consider.

But, if the items you have in that space are unused, why pay for storage? Or, why clutter another area in your house with them? Instead, get rid of the things you do not use. If you have some items that are in good shape, you can either give them to a friend or a family member that might need them, or you may donate them to a local charity. And, if you want to earn some cash (for your hobby room), sell those unused items online or organize a yard sale.

Find a Seat 

Now that your hobby room is clean and clutter-free, look at it. Turn to every side. Think – where will be the best place for me to sit? Or maybe stand, if that is your thing. Depending on your hobby, you must find a suitable table and chair where you will work. But, be careful – that table and chair must not only work for your hobby but also for your room. Of course, you do not have to choose pieces of furniture that will boost your house decor (but, you also can), you just need something that will fit into your room and something that will be able to hold everything you need for your hobby. Moreover, when choosing a seat ( a chair, in particular), make sure you choose something comfortable too. There are seating options for all hobbies out there – so explore before you buy!

Create Storage 

Storage, or an extra space to hold your hobby items, is of key importance when it comes to hobby rooms. Of course, there are hobbies, such as playing an instrument, that do not require a lot of storage space. But, there are others, such as sewing or painting that require a ton of storage. So, you get the point, keep your hobby’s needs in mind when installing storage options. For instance, you can add open shelves and fill them with baskets and bins for better organization; you can create floating bookshelves; you can add storage under your desk, or above it, or next to it, etc. As with your hobby, you have to be creative and resourceful.

However, if you do not have a lot of space in your hobby room for storage (even after you have emptied it), do not lose your hopes. Consider putting those hobby items in another room, or just as previously said – in a storage unit nearby. You are probably not using all of your hobby items at the same time, so, do yourself a favor and call U. Santini Moving and Storage and see whether they have something available! Pro tip: these guys can also help you move those hobby items of yours into a storage unit too.

Add Inspiration 

Storage room – check! A place to sit and do your hobby – check! Now, all that is left is some inspiration. So, put posters on the wall. Put photos on the pegboard. Bring in all the instructional hobby books you have. Of course, do not forget to display your most favorite items (you created) somewhere visible. Hobby rooms should be fun and inspirational, so play with them, that is, play with their interior design. Just make sure that the decorative and inspirational items you bring inside your hobby room serve as something that will remind you of what you are working toward, not something that will create clutter and cause you headaches. At the end of the day, just make sure you create a hobby room that works for you and that inspires you!

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